- Slides should be kept to two or three lines.
- Lines on a slide should be generally even in length. However, grammatical and rhythmic line breaks take priority.
- No one-word lines.
- Punctuation should be minimal. No commas or periods at the end of a line. Sometimes a comma is appropriate mid-line.
- Slide breaks should flow rhythmically with the song. Musical phrases should not be split by slide breaks.
Worship Events Folder
- Keep folder structure clean and organized.
- Archive everything every week.
- Keep all current work files in Worship Events
- Naming Standards
- If the content is date sensitive, put the date at the front of the file in this format: “YYMMDD_” Ex: “210905_Aug 21 Baptism Video”
- Version history: When making adjustments Sunday morning, add the version number to the end of the file name. Ex: “210905_Aug 21 Baptism Video_V4”
Things to Know
- Programming ProPresenter and Resolume
- Midi Cues
- Looks: Presets outputs for Full screen and L3
- Stage Displays
- Timers/Clocks
- Macros