The Problem:
Windows audio channels are not cleanly separated, so we have to trick the computer to prevent the audio bleed.
The Solution:
Dante Via is used to send the Resolume Arena audio to two DI's:
- One out of the headphone port, which Dante Via sees as "Speakers, Realtek Audio"
- One USB DI, which Dante Via sees as "Speakers, USB Audio DAC"
Each DI is connected to one XLR output, which goes to the DLive.

To Check Dante Via:
- [ ] Under Audio Sources, ensure that Dante is enabled for Resolume Arena
- [ ] Under Audio Destinations, ensure that Dante is enabled for the "Speakers, Realtek Audio" and "Speakers, USB Audio DAC"
- [ ] Check Dante Controller
To check Dante Controller:
- [ ] Set Arena's Left channel to both outputs of the USB Audio
- [ ] Set Arena's Right channel to both outputs of the Realtek Speakers